Sunday, March 26, 2023

"The Little Red Hen and the Ungrateful Friends"Learn English Stories"Kid Stories"Kid Moral Stories"Kid Stories

"The Little Red Hen and the Ungrateful Friends"

The Little Red Hen

 Once upon a time, there was a Little Red Hen who lived on a farm. One day, while she was out foraging for food, she stumbled upon a grain of wheat. Excited by her find, she decided to plant the wheat in her garden and nurture it into a full-grown plant.


The Little Red Hen worked hard, day and night, tending to the wheat and ensuring it had everything it needed to grow. She watered it every day, pulled out weeds, and protected it from pests. Soon, the wheat had grown tall, and it was time to harvest it.


The Little Red Hen asked her animal friends, a lazy dog, a sleepy cat, and a greedy pig, if they could help her with the harvest. But they all refused, saying they were too busy or too tired to help.


The Little Red Hen

So the Little Red Hen decided to do everything herself. She harvested the wheat, threshed it, ground it into flour, and then baked a delicious loaf of bread.


When the bread was ready, the Little Red Hen asked her friends if they would like to share it with her. But they all eagerly said yes, without offering to help or even acknowledging the Little Red Hen's hard work.

The Little Red Hen felt disappointed and upset. She realized that her friends only wanted to enjoy the fruits of her labor without putting in any effort themselves.



The moral of the story is that hard work and determination always pay off. It is important to take responsibility for our actions and not depend on others to do things for us. We should also learn to appreciate and respect the efforts of others and be willing to help whenever we can. Laziness and greed can harm us and our relationships with others, and we should strive to be diligent and generous in everything we do.

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